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Naming and Finding Perfect Domain Names for Your Startup Using AI


Namingmagic: Naming and Finding Perfect Domain Names for Your Startup Using AI

Namingmagic is a tool developed by Swift Ventures based on GPT-3 natural language technology. It can help you name your company and find suitable domain names. Simply provide a product description and keywords, and AI will provide you with creative company names. For example, you can input "a mobile application for browsing NFT cat art" and keywords like "art, NFT, cats," then click "Name my startup," and AI will instantly provide relevant suggestions.

Target audience: Suitable for entrepreneurs, company founders, brand managers, and marketers to help them find unique and appealing names for their companies and projects.

Keywords: company naming, domain name search, artificial intelligence, GPT-3, startup

Pricing model: Free to use

Compatible devices: This tool can be used on various devices such as computers, tablets, and smartphones, as long as there is an internet connection.

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