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An AI-Driven Online Literature Summarization Tool


scholarcy: An AI-Driven Online Literature Summarization Tool

Scholarcy is an online literature summarization tool that generates summary-style study cards for lengthy articles. With Scholarcy, you can read research articles more intelligently and quickly understand the important content. Every year, millions of new research papers, reports, and company documents are published, and you often only find the most recent or influential ones. Browsing through the abstracts of articles may not provide enough insights.

Save hundreds of hours: Scholarcy can read your research articles, reports, and book chapters in seconds and break them down into easily readable sections, allowing you to quickly assess the importance of any document to your work. By identifying key information such as the researchers involved, data analysis, main findings, and limitations, researchers and students have reported a reduction of over 70% in the time required to evaluate papers.

Extract key facts, data, and references in seconds: Scholarcy generates summary flashcards from any Word or PDF article, report, or literature and creates open-access links to the cited sources. Configurable extraction of figures, tables, and images helps you quickly read the article, clarify arguments, and distill key points. If you need to find the cited articles, simply click on them.

Build your personal literature digest library: Scholarcy’s Chrome and Edge browser extensions are compatible with open access repositories such as arXiv, biorXiv, and OSF Preprints. It also integrates with ScholarcyLibrary, a monthly subscription service that builds a searchable collection of summary cards accessible from any device.

Recommended audience: Researchers, students, teachers, scientists, engineers, and literature managers who need to read a large volume of academic literature.

Keywords: Online literature summarization, artificial intelligence, reading summaries, academic research, Chrome extension.

Pricing model: Free trial, pay-as-you-go.

Compatible devices: Works on computers, tablets, and mobile devices.

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